• Category Archives: Recycle

    Production starts at the world’s largest recycled newsprint machine in UK

    Norfolk-uk.jpg Production has started three weeks ahead of schedule at the newsprint plant, which is known as the World’s largest newsprint machine. Palm Paper switched to the PM7 machine at its King’s Lynn Site in Norfolk on 21 August. This machine is all set to produce 400,000 tons of newsprint each year for standard, flexo and heatset applications all from recycled fiber each year.

    Posted in Recycle on August 28, 2009
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    Solutions to UK Food Waste

    In the UK alone, it’s estimated that 6.7 million tonnes of food waste is produced by households every year, most of which could have been eaten. Householders aren’t the only culprit however; shops, supermarkets and restaurants also throw out food that is fit to eat. Around 20% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions come from food waste. This figure seems staggering until you understand that food waste actually releases methane when put into landfill – a gas that is 25% more damaging than carbon dioxide. Why does so much good food end up in the bin? There are several factors at play – from shopping habits to cooking skills, to unclear food labelling.

    Posted in Recycle on August 27, 2009
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    Ancient, antique, recycled Furniture Factory Cart

    This is a brilliant, nostalgic factory cart that has been recycled into a coffee table for the modern home. It is called the Furniture Factory Cart. History states that during the 1900s, these carts used to be used to transport furniture, fabric and supplies across the factory floor. It is refurbished in the US and is made of North American solid white oak. The top is cleaned and oil and has an antique look to it. It has original cast iron wheels, bolts and plates and each wheel rotates to keep the cart stationary. Also each is unique. The coffee table costs $995.

    Posted in Recycle on August 26, 2009
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    Keyboard Viper, made from recycled keyboard

    Getting rid of old and malfunctioned keyboards can be quite a task as they sit in the garage eating dust and adding to clutter. In the past, we have seen an armchair and photo frame made from recycled keyboards, the newest addition is the Keyboard Viper created by Korean artist Choi Jung Hyun. This flawless design has put innumerable keys to use and playfully surrounded with mice too. It is certainly a great way to put recycle and create something beautiful too. What are you waiting for? Get to your garage, dig out those dead keyboards and let your creativity flow!

    Posted in Recycle on August 26, 2009
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    Japanese Wacol company recycles bras for solid fuel

    I cannot understand the complete logic behind this but in Japan, an underwear manufacturer Wacol launched a bra recycling campaign. They collected bags and bags and bags of them to – yeah, to create solid fuel. I don’t know how the ladies will react to this, but I can bet the men will be in eternal bliss. Apparently from February to April, they had distributed plastic bags to customers who would bring back the bags filled with their old ones. They received 350 bags and around 35,900 items! They say that if all this is hooked together it would be three times the height of Mt Everest. And all this for solid fuel. The kind of things people have to come up to find alternatives in today’s world is just astounding. I mean bras? This has got to be the last straw!
    Via – [Gizmodiva]

    Posted in Recycle on August 25, 2009
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    The Problems of Plastic Recycling

    Plastic disposal is a huge problem the world over, and one that is only set to grow in the coming years. We use well over 4 million tonnes of plastic in the UK alone, of which packaging accounts for about 35%. Most of this packaging goes into our household waste and so into landfill. How long that plastic takes to degrade depends on what type it is, but some estimates say that a plastic carrier bag will take over 1000 years to break down. The reality is, plastic hasn’t been around long enough for anyone to know for sure.

    Posted in Recycle on August 24, 2009
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    Veilo bin can recycle grocery bags as trash bags

    You will agree with me when I say, trashcans never looked so good! The Veilo concept trashcan has a futuristic design that provides a sense of decorative sophistication. The side fabric covers of this green bin are customizable too. It features a smart way to reuse the plastic grocery bags as trash bags and the open loop and open body of this bin allow the user to remove trash bags easily without much hassle.

    Posted in Recycle on August 14, 2009
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    Shipping containers recycled to make an entertainment park

    In a bit to create an environment friendly entertainment space for the public, the Hudson River Park Trust is set to transform the West side’s old shipping docks that was once used to bring in cargo into the city. Several piers of the project are already completed and the park board recently chose the Inhabitat-fav LOT-EK’s design for Pier 57, located outside Chelsea. The architecture firm proposed a waterfront attraction to be constructed from refurbished shipping containers, and decked out with a rooftop for creating an entertainment space to watch movies, shop and an underwater educational and exhibition space.

    Posted in Recycle on August 11, 2009
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    Advertisement in Brazil encourages urinating while taking a shower to save water

    An animated video ad has been released in Brazil encouraging people to urinate in showers to save water. It has been aired on TV and has many characters including, Mahatma Gandhi, King Kong, Statue of Liberty, an alien and many others relieving themselves behind a semi-transparent shower curtain. SOS Mata Atlantica commissioned this ad, which is a green group that is devoted to protecting the Atlantic rainforest of which presently on 12% is currently there.

    Posted in Recycle on August 7, 2009
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    Water efficient Caroma Profile Smart Dual Flush using greywater recycling system

    We have told you before of flush systems that are going green to save the huge amounts of water wastage like the Interflush. The Caroma Profile Smart Dual Flush is another invention that will help in a similar process with its 2-in-1 sink and toilet system that implements graywater recycling in a compact design that reduces toilet water consumption by up to 74%. The Profile Smart flush has an integrated sink sitting on top of the tank. The system reclaims fresh water used to wash hands and immediately re-directs it into the tank below ready for the next flush. So it’s like, you entire the toilet, wash your hands and then sit down to do your thing by when the water to dispose off waste will be ready.

    Posted in Recycle on August 7, 2009
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