• Category Archives: Recycle

    Solar Bees refresh Quemado Lake water

    Qumado lake.jpg
    Quemado Lake is one of three popular fishing lakes in the Gila National Forest. The US Forest Service has installed new Solar Bees to improve water quality in the lake. These bees aren’t some robotic insects but rather solar powered reservoir circulators, which pull colder, oxygen-deficient water up from the bottom of the lake and spread it along the lake surface. The cold water then falls back to the bottom of the lake, resulting in continual mixing of the water.

    Posted in Recycle on September 26, 2009
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    Reuse Your Disposable Batteries

    batterywizard-300x300.jpgIf there has been a buzzword over the past few years then this is it. No, not Global warming (that’s two) but recycling. Whether it’s crushing our cans or ditching our drinks bottles, you can guarantee there’s a bin for it. But what about the more awkward, potentially toxic items? It is estimated that the average household uses 21 batteries a year. Considering the sheer volume of gadgets, gizmos and remote controls that fill these four walls, that may not sound a lot, but the UK alone is said to annually generate some 30,000 tonnes of waste batteries, with less than 1,000 tonnes being recycled. Considering the chemical composition of the remainder lining our landfill, the implications of incorrect disposal results in a potentially charged environmental issue. Inevitably the decomposition of hazardous metals (such as lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc, and lithium) results in contamination of our soil, air, and water, and more worryingly, our food chain.

    Posted in Recycle on September 22, 2009
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    Greenweaver, recyclable ceremonial wear by Oak Hall

    Greenweaver.jpg Everything is going green, we are seeing these days which is a very good thing too! The Oak Hall Industries, a manufacturer of academic apparel, thought why not go one stride further and introduce Greenweaver – a new line of caps and gowns for university graduates. This range of clothing will be made entirely of recycled plastic bottles that are turned into molten plastic pellets and then so spun into a soft, breathable polyester fabric. One gown uses an average of 23 bottles. The company is planning to release their Greenweaver line by spring graduation 2010.

    Posted in Recycle on September 16, 2009
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    Recyclable, reusable paper clips made of paper

    Paper clips are made of steel but they derived their name as they hold together a bunch of paper. But now, they get their literal meaning and we have the – Paper Paper Clips. They are made of 100 per cent sustainable wood pulp and also cent per cent recyclable and reusable. What is even more efficient is that alongside your paper sheets, you can also use these in the shredders. In one pack you get up to 50 clips and each measures one inch and can hold up to 20 sheets of paper. Its available at Spoonsisters for $6. Interesting and a great accessory for a nature lover.

    Posted in Recycle on September 14, 2009
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    Recycling old wine barrels into eco-friendly wine cellars

    In California alone, 200,000 wine barrels are discarded or retired as they say each year. Imagine the amount of barrels that are being retired every year from the entire wine producing places around the world! It could be in millions! Some of them end up as planters or firewood but the majority end up in landfills. But Darryl Hogeback had something different in his mind. He is the founder of Savante Wine Cellars and he is passionate about using every part of the used barrel by recycling the wood into custom wine cellars. The Stave Oak Collection is handcrafted using mortise and tenon construction, meaning there is no use of nails, staples or screws. Well this only shows that there is no limit to recycling, if we put our mind to it.

    Posted in Recycle on September 14, 2009
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    Rubbish Art

    Love it or hate it – modern art never fails to provoke a reaction. While some people can’t get enough, the majority of people tend to think that contemporary art is a load of rubbish. On that note, some clever people have taken this idea one step further and actually created art from rubbish. Aesthetically-pleasing and environmentally friendly…..surely not? The Rainbow Worrier, a boat created from a staggering 5,000 plastic bags, is a fantastic example of using art to raise environmental awareness – even filled with plastic fish in nets to stress how plastic is destroying marine ecosystems. Created by Devon-based outdoor art group ‘Trail’, the piece won the Recycled Art in Landscape Public Choice Award. Who said plastic recycling wasn’t creative?

    Posted in Recycle on September 11, 2009
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    Battery recycling

    Do you remember the time before mobile phones were invented? Seems like a lifetime away doesn’t it? Yet with the invention of innovative gadgets comes the inevitable newer models being created each year. Mobile phones, Mp3 Players, laptops, power tools, all have to be powered by a battery of some sort. Then when the newer gadgets arrive, we simply throw out the outdated models and their batteries.
    That’s the problem right there. Batteries.
    Each year the average British household uses up to 21 batteries, and if these old batteries aren’t sitting in your kitchen drawer releasing carcinogenic substances, 600 million of these are pilling up on that every increasing landfill each year.

    Posted in Recycle on September 9, 2009
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    Replica of Neyland Stadium recycled out of electronic parts

    David Mann who is a University of Tennessee fan built a Neyland Stadium model by only using hundreds of small electronic parts that have already been used before. This replica is 8 inches wide and 10 inches long and 3 inches high. The detailing is very remarkable even to the tiniest of the end zone pylons. Well three things that can be concluded. It gives the testament to recycling, patience and creativity. Why recycling? Because he could have very well used new stuff. Patience and creativity well, I don’t think I will have to explain that. He did not use any sort of kits or even a drawing. He just started building one day of June and ended in August just weeks before the big game in the actual stadium.

    Posted in Recycle on September 8, 2009
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    Braun Envi urban dustbin that converts trash to compost

    Not only is this an excellent design, it is a wonderfully crafted recycling device. Keeping up with the design outlooks of Braun, they have recently launched the concept called Envi urban dustbin. This is something that will help you do your bit by “promoting composting from biodegradable waste.” What you do is, for instance, while tossing an apple into the dustbin, bio-reactive substances based on photo catalysis start rehashing the trash as compost. And you don’t even have to worry about the extremely foul smell that dustbins release because this bio-reactive substance removes odors and speeds up the process.

    Posted in Recycle on September 4, 2009
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    Hazards in the Office – Fluorescent Tubes

    Fluorescent tubes are ubiquitous with the modern office building. Functional, practical and durable, they’re a familiar feature across the land. Did you know however that fluorescent tubes are actually classed as Hazardous Waste in England and Wales? This is because they contain mercury, a very toxic substance.

    Posted in Recycle on August 28, 2009
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