• Wind Powered Battery Storage Pilots in Texas

    Posted in Alternative Energy on January 25, 2013

    Duke Energy Renewables has developed a way of saving extra power generated by batteries at its Notrees Windpower Project in Texas. The $44 million battery-storage system holds excess energy from the 153-megawatt Notrees farm and releases it when power supplies dip. This innovation is particularly helpful because winds often blow more strongly at night, when power needs are less, and more gently during the day, when power demands are higher. With this battery storage system, wind generated power can be kept and used, as and when needed, thus stablising the grid. Data from the project is being collected and analysed for scale-up by the US Department of Energy, who helped fund Duke Energy Renewables’ wind power, storage battery.

  • Evonik Pioneer Solar Kite Journey Across Australia

    Posted in Alternative Energy on January 25, 2013

    Evonik have pioneered a solar powered journey across Australia, by kite! The 3,000 mile trip across Aussie was braved by extreme sportsmen Dirk Gion and Stefan Simmerer, of Germany, and used less than $15 worth of fuel. Powered by exclusive technology from Evonik, that is a complex mixture of lithium-ion batteries, Evonik’s Litarion electrodes and Separion ceramic separators which allow the battery cells to store energy generated from a wind turbine, the Wind Explorer covered up to 225 miles per day in its pilot test down under. A body made from Evonik’s Rohacell sandwich carbon fiber, and tires made from lightweight materials and a special rubber formula that reduces resistance, also contributed to the energy efficiency of the Wind Explorer.

    Solar Ship Wins Grant for North American Mission, Seeks Funds for African Enterprise

    Posted in Transport on January 24, 2013

    Solar ship seems just too good to be true! A helium-filled, zero emissions cargo plane, with a huge wing span that absorbs maximum solar power, at a lightweight 1,200lbs, solar ship gains lift from buoyant gases from the earth. Its wing-ship design allows it to land in strange places, devoid of roads or runways. Solar ship has recently been awarded a grant to build a new model to fly emergency supplies during times of crisis, man-made and natural disaster, to communities in North America. In addition, solar ship has been operating out of Cape Town to take medical supplies to remote areas of Africa.

    Electric Golf Buggy Pimped Into Snow Moving ‘Snowpig’

    Posted in Transport on January 24, 2013

    Determined not be snowed in during the harsh Canadian winter, eco-eccentric Dan baker has pimped his golf cart into an emission free, fully enclosed, electric snow blowing machine. The oddly-named ‘Snowpig’ is as far as we are aware, the only one of its kind. Since ‘Snowpig’ is 100% electric, it is far more environmentally friendly than the standard trucks normally contracted to clear Canadian roads. These would normally guzzle up to 3 gallons of gasoline per snow-moving expedition.

    San Francisco Bay Bridge Celebrates 75 Years With LED Light Up

    Posted in Other Stuff on January 24, 2013

    To commemorate 75 years of the San Francisco Bay Bridge, an $8 million public art installation will light up the iconic structure for the next two years. Conceived by creative agency head, Ben Davis, and designed by New York-based artist Leo Villareal, Bay Lights will see the San Fran bridge illuminated by 25,000 white LED lights. The lights are programmable, so that different animations and abstract patterns can be created and will be visible from afar. They will cover a massive 1.5 miles along the length of the bridge, and 500 feet in height.

    Victoria’s Secret Becomes Detox Angel

    Posted in Other Stuff on January 24, 2013

    Victora’s Secret has pledged to detox its underwear, in response to a Greenpeace investigation that revealed the lingerie retailer has been lacing its dainties with harmful substances. Limited Brands, which also owns La Senza, has promised to remove all traces of phthalates – endocrine-disrupting baddies linked to all kinds of sexual health problems, genital deformities, and ironically, premature breast development in girls, by 2020. This isn’t the first time Victoria’s Secret has been in trouble for toxic underwear. In 2003, the label hastily removed carcinogenic chemicals from its bras and panties. In 2008, they were taken to court after women suffered scarring and rashes due to formaldehyde contaminated products.

    President Obama Goes Green at His Second Inauguration

    Posted in Other Stuff on January 22, 2013

    At yesterday’s second inauguration of President Obama, the newly re-elected President did his best to prove his awareness of environmental issues, with the creation of a 10,000 square foot inauguration platform made from wood harvested using methods that protect water quality, biodiversity and habitats for endangered wildlife. Not only was it environmentally friendly, but it was also strong – holding the President, his cabinet, former Presidents, Beyonce and her large rear end. Attention was also given to waste reduction, recycling and diversion plans during the ceremony.

    World’s Largest Single Unit Solar Plant to Launch in Abu Dhabi

    Posted in Alternative Energy on January 22, 2013

    Abu Dhabi is taking big steps in the direction of renewable energy. Within the first quarter of this year, Shams 1, otherwise known as the world’s largest single unit concentrated solar power plant, is due to light up its facilities. It is hoped that Shams 1 will reduce carbon emissions in Abu Dhabi by 175,000 tons every year, which would be the same as taking 15,000 cars off the road. It works like this: parabolic trough collectors track the sun throughout the day, directing the sunlight onto embedded tubes filled with a synthetic oil-based heat transfer fluid. The fluid can reach up to 400 degrees celsius in the tubes, before it is heated a further 140 degrees in a natural gas powered booster. The heat is then used to boil water and produce steam for steam turbines.

    Organic Transit Launches Two New Solar Powered Hybrids

    Posted in Transport on January 21, 2013

    Two new vehicles from Organic Transit are about to hit the market. The ELF and the Truckit are both solar powered, but with different functions and audiences in mind. The ELF is designed for commuters. Its slim design will enable you to by-pass traffic and take bike paths instead. There is plenty of storage space for laptops needed for a day in the office, and space for groceries bought on the way home from work. The battery pack can be recharged when the ELF is parked in the sun, or by plugging it into a standard outlet. Battery pack upgrades are also available if you like a little more oomph. The ELF will retail for approximately $4,000.

    New Model Panasonic “Ene-Farm” Home Fuel Cell 95% Efficient

    Posted in Other Stuff on January 21, 2013

    Since its launch in May 2009, around 21,000 Ene-Farm Fuel cells have been sold in Japan. With the launch of the new model, Panasonic are hoping for more. The price has been cut (from approximately $30,700 to $22,320 – not including installation), lower energy needs can now be catered for (the latest cell can supply 200-750W), it is 95% efficient, has an operating life of 60,000 hours and can cut CO2 emissions by around 49%. Using chemical reactions, rather than combusting fossil fuels, fuel cells like the ‘Ene-Farm’ are more environmentally friendly than traditional power sources. Using a fuel processor, the cell takes hydrogen from the city gas supply and reacts it with oxygen in the atmosphere to produce heat and hot water. The remote control included with the latest model also monitors CO2 emissions for the fuel cell and also should any solar panels be installed in the home.