• World’s largest ships emit as much pollution as 760 million cars

  • If you’ve been under the impression that your SUV is a gas-guzzler and environment killer unlike any other, here’s a bit of respite. Your metal-chunk-on-wheels certainly isn’t the most polluting modes of transport today. James Corbett, professor of marine policy at the University of Delaware, recently figured ships to be one of the major causes of environmental pollution, a fact we’re sure is true!

    According to recent research, a single super-ship can create just as much pollution as 50 million cars. Putting together the 5 largest ships in the world, these together spew just as much nitrogen oxide and sulphur oxide as 760 million cars! And these statistics certainly aren’t surprising, given that each of these ships use 109,000-horsepower engines that run around the clock for the better part of the year.


    Posted in Topics:Featured, Other Stuff, Tags: , on December 5, 2012