• Solar powered wheelchair wins juices up with energy from the sun

    Posted in Transport on June 13, 2013

    We’ve been advocating the use of solar energy to power up our world since years now and we do think that the world could, if given a chance, turn completely dependent on cleaner sources of energy that are renewable, clean and do not destroy the environment. Giving solar energy yet another application, a team of engineering students at the University of Virginia came up with a solar-powered wheelchair that won the design competition for World Cerebral Palsy Day.

  • Citi Bike bicycle sharing initiative kicks off in New York

    Posted in Transport on May 31, 2013

    The United States welcomed home the nation’s largest bike-sharing program called the Citi Bike, begun in the city of New York. The program will enable thousands of residents to hop on to rented bicycles and travel around the city in a more energy efficient and a less environmentally-hazardous way. Most city residents find it difficult to own a bicycle due to storage space crunches and this bike-sharing program could indeed work wonders for them!

    MindDrive gives the automobile industry a greener edge with the help of students

    Posted in Transport on May 31, 2013

    The world is in dire need of greener and more energy efficient ways of powering up modes of transport and electric vehicles are quickly catching on in recent times. We’ve spotted one such effort to turn the automobile industry greener, taken up by a bunch of students, as part of the MindDrive initiative. The initiative, based in Kansas City, has been focusing on electric car design and students have been working on several electric car concepts.

    Wal-Mart fined $110 million for violating dumping laws

    Posted in Other Stuff on May 30, 2013

    Retail giant Wal-Mart has been pulled up yet again and has found itself in troubled waters with the Los Angeles and San Francisco municipalities. The company was recently slapped with a total of $110 million US federal and state fines and has pleaded guilty to criminal charges of mishandling hazardous waste as well as pesticides!

    Google buys Makani Power, a wind-energy-generation company!

    Posted in Other Stuff on May 28, 2013

    Google has stepped on the green road and is busy making its way towards a more environmentally-responsible future. The company has recently stepped behind the wheel of Makani Power, a United States-based company that generates energy from wind turbines hooked on to tethered kites. The company is now part of Google X, the research and development wing of Google that has been known to keep its operations hushed up.

    Solar Impulse completes 950 mile flight powered by solar energy!

    Posted in Transport on May 27, 2013

    We’ve been keeping a keen eye on the solar powered Solar Impulse plane and its energy efficient exploits since quite a while now. An extraordinary aircraft powered by solar energy that has been crowned as the flag-bearer for a cleaner aviation industry in the future, the Solar Impulse has made headlines yet again! The Solar Impulse and its pilot André Borschberg have recently broken a world record, completing a 950 mile flight on solar energy alone!

    Hong Kong goes green with electricity-powered taxis

    Posted in Transport on May 17, 2013

    The east has always been forward in terms of technology. Recently, we’ve heard tidings from China, where electric taxis will soon begin doing the rounds. With the initiative kicking off in Hong Kong, these flaming red taxis will keep a substantial amount of pollutants away from the Chinese atmosphere. The fleet currently boasts 45 BYD e6 models. These cars sport a 300 mile range on a single charge.

    Sun and Cloud digital camera powers up with a solar panel and a hand crank!

    Posted in Uncategorized on May 17, 2013

    Tired of that conventional digital camera that you’ve been using all along? Well, you can now satisfy your shutterbug-needs in a greener and more energy efficient way! Termed as the world’s first camera with a retro-shooting ability, the Sun and Cloud Self-Generating Digital Camera sports a solar panel and a hand crank, both of which can be used to power up this cheerful little device.

    Toyota installs solar-powered charging stations for single-seat EVs in Ecoful Town!

    Posted in Transport on May 14, 2013

    Toyota seems to storm ahead with its green plans and has found a fantastic way to boost the eco-friendliness of the eco-district built in Toyota City. The company has installed several charging stations designed to cater to single-passenger electro-mobility vehicles. Called the Smart Mobility Park charging station, this one’s located in Toyota Ecoful Town.

    Ferrari disappoints; no electric supercar in the making!

    Posted in Transport on May 10, 2013

    While car manufacturers around the world agree that green cars are the need of the hour, Italian sports car manufacturer, Ferrari, thinks otherwise! Recently, the chairman of the company, Luca di Montezemolo, said, “We will never manufacture an electric car as long as I’m chairman.” Well, that surely doesn’t mean the company isn’t “trying” to clean up its carbon footprint.