• Steampunk lighting solutions by Edison Light Globes use energy-efficient LEDs

    Posted in Gadgets and Tech on November 24, 2014

    edison-led-light-globes-5The steampunk design philosophy is anything but energy saving. Inspired by industrialized Western civilization during the 19th century when humankind didn’t really understand the importance of energy efficiency yet, steampunk is now being given a greener touch. Australian company Edison Light Globes has come up with this steampunk lighting solution that uses energy-efficient LED lights. Made from brass and sporting exposed hardware, these lamps come complete with pseudo-Victorian and retro-futuristic aesthetics.

  • Poop=powered Bio-Bus now ferries passengers between Bristol Airport and Bath

    Posted in Transport on November 24, 2014

    bio-bus-1Pooping isn’t something that’s going to save the world. That’s not what the Bio-Bus developers think however. These folks have developed a bus that powers up using human poop! With 40 seats in all, this one can go 186 miles on one tank of biomethane gas, generated from treating human sewage and food waste at Bristol sewage in Avonmout. The gas is pumped through a combustion engine which helps the bus get around.

    Studio Gang Architects transforms a decommissioned coal power plant into a green school

    Posted in Architecture on November 13, 2014

    green-arts-college-1What better way is there to make a perfectly green statement than to turn a pollution-spewing coal power plant into a green arts college? Studio Gang Architects thinks alike and has revealed plans to transform a decommissioned coal-burning power plant in Wisconsin into an environment-friendly school. Commissioned by the Beloit College, the site will have its original structure retained. Studio founder Jeanne Gang said, “Our hope is that by reclaiming the Beloit waterfront for people, our project will inspire other communities around the globe to see human well-being as vitally interconnected with a healthy and clean environment.”

    German company Cloud & Heat offers home owners free heat, in exchange for space to store servers!

    Posted in Other Stuff on November 13, 2014

    cloud-heatIt’s common knowledge that cloud-service providers are usually faced with space crunches and have a hard time disposing off the excess heat cloud data centers produce. In an innovative move to address both these issues, Cloud & Heat, a German company, promises to heat your home, so long as you accommodate a server rack! To be eligible for this, your home must have a water tank that holds between 125 and 2,000 liters. Apart from this, you also need a dedicated meter for the DataSafe (quite logical), a breaker panel with room for three 16A circuits, and an Internet connection of at least 50Mb/s.

    BMW’s ‘Light and Charge’ systems light up streets and charge EVs

    Posted in Transport on November 13, 2014

    bmw-chargngStreetlights are built for one purpose, to light up streets. Quite often, the potential of a streetlight isn’t completely looked at, making these infrastructural objects amount to nothing more than a public lighting source. BMW looks at it all differently though. The German automaker has unveiled a streetlight that doubles up as an EV charging station. Aptly christened the “Light and Charge” system, these units integrate a conventional streetlight with the ChargeNow stations.

    SolaRoad in the Netherlands will generate electricity while cyclists pedal away

    Posted in Alternative Energy on November 13, 2014

    solar-cycle-path-3We’ve always advocated the use of bicycles, given the fact that these two-wheeled contraptions promise to take you from to your destination without spewing venomous clouds of carbon in the air. To make cycling even more greener than it already is, the Netherlands is welcoming home the world’s first solar cycle path, one that’ll soak in the energy of the sun to generate electricity.

    Tips That Help To Buy Property in Noida

    Posted in Other Stuff on November 13, 2014

    real-estateBuying a new home or investing in land around Noida is a great idea. However, several factors come into play when selecting a property for investment. Remember, you will be spending a large amount of your life earnings or taking a loan to buy the property and it should appreciate over time. Noida is emerging as one of the biggest residential and industrial hubs in Northern India. Thanks to tax exemptions, special economic zones, and affordable prices, Noida is one of the most attractive places to buy residential and commercial property, states NDTV. However, you should be very careful when investing in real estate. For first-time buyers, here are a few things you should consider.

    Jaw-dropping map shows the population of trees in US

    Posted in Featured, Other Stuff on October 31, 2014

    usa-tree-populationWe’ve seen maps and satellite pictures of countries before. None of them have fascinated and left us as awestruck as this one though. Created by Josef Kellndorfer and Wayne Walker of Woods Hole Research Center in conjunction with the U. S. Geological Survey Science Center‘s Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center and the US Forest Service, this map literally shows the density of greenery in the United States. Simply put, the map tells you which places in the country have more trees and which don’t!

    Ford draws up plans to go electric and beat Tesla at its game

    Posted in Transport on October 31, 2014

    ford-electric-carIt seems like everyone’s taken a sudden interest in giving Tesla a run for its money. Very recently, American carmaker Ford announced its intention to develop a car that’s fit enough to rival the Tesla Model S. The company plans to develop a car with a range of 265 miles that’ll give folks around the world the opportunity to stick to the Ford brand, without simultaneously choking the environment with exhaust fumes.

    German auto manufacturers are now looking forward to build cars like Tesla’s Model S!

    Posted in Transport on October 31, 2014

    porsche-panameraAfter the tremendous success of Tesla’s Model S electric car, nearly every big manufacturer around has begun day dreaming about developing a car along similar lines. Now while Tesla did manage to break through every barrier and develop a car that’ll go down in history as the first of its kind that was truly road-worth and practical, companies like Porsche and Mercedes too have begun drawing up plans for similar electric cars. The Germans are promising electric cars with ranges touching 250 miles!