• The UVO vehicle, single passenger mobility units powered by fuel-cell technology

  • 7.jpgThe concept of a family car, and those huge SUVs and MUVs might just not exist in future, with designs for single passenger mobility units doing the rounds. Designer Alexei Mikhailov came up with the UVO (Urban Vehicular Ovalon), an egg with wheels at first site. Taken that the streets in our urban areas are ever grid-locked with people spending hours traveling and vehicles moving slower than toddlers crawling around, tiny vehicles like these might just be the answer for future travel. The vehicle powers up using and advanced fuel-cell technology, using magnets in the motor working as stabilizing gyroscopes that help keep the UVO up and stable. Featuring drive-link technology, a UVO vehicle can synchronize its formation with other UVO vehicles in the proximity. This keeps the vehicles in a single lane formation, without too much lane cutting.

    Green and futuristic vehicle designs seem to be the best people around the globe can get at, paving the way for a greener and cleaner automobile industry of the future.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on August 10, 2010