The pedal powered Police car for UK
Police cars are have gone from SUVs to Sedans to Hatchbacks. And now, to shrink them up a bit further, they turn into little four-wheeled contraptions, that somewhat look a lot like an infants pram. You top a pram with flashing lights, pedal power, five gears, a siren, full Hampshire Constabulary livery and a roll bar to protect the driver and you have a little “patrol car”, with a top-speed of 20mph, unlikely to catch up with a getaway car that easily. Anyways, this isn’t a serious step taken by the Police, it’s just a community project organized by local bobby Keith Waller, and it won’t be doing any chasing.
The car took 40 hours to build with help from children aged 13 to 16 from the Ringwood Comprehensive School. This explains the size factor. The tiny 6-foot long “patrol car” will take part in the British Pedal Car Grand Prix on July 11. The lovable Mr. Plod from Noddy’s Toy-Town is sure to love this cop car.