• The P-Eco electric car powered by piezoelectricity

  • P-Eco_electric_car.jpg
    Electric cars are seeing the light and are biting up the tarmac now, more than ever. Though somewhat expensive, these cars are known to do the environment a huge favor and save on long term running cost. The newest and hottest baby in the world of electric cars is the ‘P-Eco’. Now this car is clean, but at the same time, it looks amazing and straight out of the future. Designed by Jung-Hoon Kim from South Korea, this masterpiece on wheels combines together four piezoelectric devices located on the front of the vehicle and at the rear of the driver’s seat. To produce electricity to juice this car up, multiple chords vibrate at high frequencies as soon as the car is in motion. This helps increase mileage and charges the car’s batteries. The P-Eco is a car to drool and long for with its cool aerodynamic body and awesome efficiency.


    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on January 28, 2010