• Solar Powered lawnmowers are here to stay

  • Solar_Powered_lawnmowers.jpg
    Isn’t the regular mowing of the grass a daily unavoidable ordeal? Right from the assembling of the unit, to the moving around of it, to the hassles created by the cords and to top it all- the consumption of electricity, everything was unavoidable. The Sunwhisper is a super-quiet grass cutting machine and it’s solar powered! That means no more of using electricity and a gas free, cord free, silent device. This good looking, light weighted, powerful, easy to use with virtually no maintenance required equipment is a must have for whoever wants to do their bit for the environment protection. Unlike the other garden equipment engines which emit high levels of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and other contributors in producing about 5% of the nations pollution, this solar powered mower definitely makes a big impact on the environment.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on September 29, 2009