• Solar powered lawn equipment

  • solar-powered-lawn-equipment.jpg
    According to Tom Lopez, standard technology when mixed with a creative mind can lead to great things. This inspired the 62 year old who has a degree in aerospace engineering to build an entire line of lawn equipment powered by the sun. He is hoping to license his solar powered farm equipment to another company and wants to commercialize it. All this started when Tom’s wife’s gardening equipment started breaking down years ago. He removed two-stroke motor in a tiller and replaced it with an electric motor that was powered by solar charged batteries. And then it all began. He bought few more motors and fitted them with solar panels on the frame. The walking tractors were next line to be modified and he converted them to run on solar-powered batteries. He built 10 of them and sold all of them. He is now hoping to have his riding tractor ready by spring. The tractor can be used by commercial landscapers. It runs on eight 6-volt batteries. It has 4 12-volt solar panels mounted on the top of the tractor to charge the batteries.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on September 15, 2009