• Shweeb mono-rails powered by humans

  • Pedal-Powered-Monorail.jpg
    Riders in this vehicle look more like hamsters to me but it doesn’t mean they aren’t respectable. At the moment Shweeb is not for transportation but it can be used for fun racing experience in New Zealand. The system of enclosed pedals requires half the energy of a racing bike. But the main idea is to use it as a possible inter-city vehicle replacement. These weatherproof pods can reach 56 miles an hour when you really pedal and the more people are there in a pod train the more efficient it gets. Shweeb declares that these vehicles are the most efficient on earth and also the most inexpensive infrastructure of any proposed urban transit and also one of the highest capacity systems available. It has the potential of delivering thousands of people per hour in a very small airspace. What is so good about this is that it is a zero carbon emitter and no issues with parking or even cost.


    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on July 22, 2009