• Powered by electricity, cassette vehicle concept is the future be the mode of transport

  • cassette-vehicle-concept.jpg
    This may sound selfish to those who usually ferry around their whole family in their SUV, but vehicles intended to transport just one person at a time are being chiseled into shape. Designed to work like a train i.e. using a monorail type track, these vehicles can transport a person to his destination quickly. The cassette vehicle concept is powered using electricity and uses the suction technique. The monorail like carrier acts as a hub for the vehicle and at the same time fulfills the duty of charging the vehicles. The carriers form a path for the cassette vehicles through a transparent tube with rails and air suction motors at stations. When needed, the operator needs to run the suction motor at the destination point and the carrier zips there quickly. This design is unique and will be more practical if it can accommodate more than just one person for use in future. This will help save energy and prevent our environment from those harmful gases vehicles emit nowadays.


    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on January 4, 2010