Police Vehicles in Mexico to use solar energy for their car batteries
I understand that we all hate getting preached. We hate to be told to things the right way every time. The reason I am writing this philosophical stuff here is because, it’s always that some company or the other keeps making some EV or some solar battery for the consumer and we forever told to go green. Even if we do realize and are environmentally conscious, unless we see someone else doing it, we will not really be awakened. The East Peoria government is doing just that. Their Police Departments fleet of vehicles runs all day using various facilities like the video camera system, radar, laptop, light and siren controls, there is a constant usage of the batteries that goes bad over time. Now, a smart solar energy battery system is going to replace the old ones.
The solar charger will store up the energy required for all these purposes. Developed for government vehicles used to patrol the Mexican border, the solar chargers recently were released to the civilian market.