• Hydrogen-powered shuttle fleet for NREL visitors

  • Hydrogen-powered-shuttle.jpg
    In India fuel prices are hiking and people are very concerned about the severe imbalance between income and expenditure. If policy makers stood still in their money-minting-citizen-wrecking projects, and give the Colorado-based National Renewable Energy Laboratory a bit of their attention, maybe they could get convinced to cut their fellow countrymen some slack. The lab’s Department of Energy is leasing out 12 hydrogen-powered shuttle buses for visitors to tour the premises. Engineers say that the shuttle can run up to 250 miles and is up to 25% more energy-efficient than conventional gasoline-powered engines.

    According to a statement by the NREL – ‘the shuttle uses the same basic technology as a conventional engine but runs on hydrogen fuel created at the Wind to Hydrogen (Wind2H2) Project in Boulder which links wind turbines to electrolyzers, which pass the wind-generated electricity through water to split it into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen can then be stored and used later to generate electricity from an internal combustion engine or a fuel cell’. The lab’s engineers point that while it might not be such a huge difference, it is a ‘good stepping stone to get the technology into the market and provide an alternative to fleets while the infrastructure for hydrogen fueling stations develops’.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on December 20, 2010