• Electrobat Automobile, the world’s first electric car by the Baker Motor Vehicle Company developed in 1899

  • first-electric-car-1.jpg
    And you thought all along that electric cars are modern and something thought of and developed just recently. Well, you’re wrong! Electric cars are old, not pre-historic, but old enough to shock you back into reality. The first electric car the world has ever seen was manufactured in the early 1899, in Cleveland, Ohio. Well, 111 years later, the world is still designing and developing electric cars that could soon be the future of the automobile industry, as we slowly lose our dependence on gasoline. The Baker Motor Vehicle Company created this masterpiece, the predecessor of the modern electric cars we have today. Grandpa-electric-car uses batteries designed by Thomas Edison, the American inventor, scientist, and businessman who came up with a host of inventions that have made our lives a lot easier.

    Known as the Electrobat Automobile, this two-seater had its range expanded to 17 models by the year 1907. The car was unlike the futuristic EVs we have today, with a top-speed of just 20mph, and costing $2,000, a huge sum in the good old days. But thanks to gasoline, this father of electric cars and the company that brought it to the world were put to rest.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on July 6, 2010