• EDWARD, the di-wheeled electric vehicle, makes travelling clean and green

  • EDWARD.jpg
    Two wheeled vehicles do not necessarily need to have their wheels in-line. Well they seem to do a hell of a great job with transporting people when hooked on to a single axel too! At least that’s what the EDWARD project proved to us. Built by a team of students hailing from the University of Adelaide, Australia, this two-wheeled contraption is electric, meaning that it travels green, without smogging the air. To maneuver this one around, a user needs to use a joystick, and also allows for a complete 360 degree turn around. a great way to get around the neighborhood, we haven’t got wind on just how far this one goes before running parched dry of juice.

    And with a contraption like this parked in your garage, we’re pretty sure you’ll flatten out those crease lines from your brows, without having to worry about rising oil prices.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on June 13, 2011