• Courtyard Marriott offers free electric-car charging services for guests

  • Courtyard-Marriott-offers-free-ev-charging-services.jpg
    Paul Racioppo and Chomnan Men, district sales manager for General Motors, set out to demonstrate the Chevrolet Volt recently and decided to loll back at the Courtyard Marriott hotel on Route 9 in Hadley. What took them by surprise however, was an electric-car charging station at the hotel. So instead of driving up to the gas station to fuel up their car, with gas prices souring to $4 a gallon, Racioppo and Men hooked up their Volt to the charger for four hours, juicing its batteries to the brim. The hotel was gracious enough to cover the electricity charge too, owing to the fact that this was the first time the charger was used since its installation in February.

    The Courtyard Marriott is now offering juice free off cost for electric cars whose owners reside in the hotel too. And with the rise in electric car users around, we’re hoping to see more such businesses take up similar initiatives.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on May 11, 2011