• Charging EVs at night pollutes less and decreases electricity bills too

  • Charging-EVs.jpg
    Lower electricity rates aren’t the only reason to charge your electric four-wheeler at night. Researchers at MIT recently struck upon a theory that states the fact that using electricity to charge your car at night, instead of during the day time, also pollutes a lot lesser incase of Time-Of-Use metering, here’s how. Less ozone is emitted during nighttime charging, keeping lighter quantities of the byproduct of a chemical reaction between hydrocarbons & nitrogen oxides in the air, owing to the lack of sunlight, the main catalyst behind this reaction. Also, the pollutants emitted disperse by the time the sun’s back in the sky!

    The night is indeed best time to charge and hydrate your electric and plug-in hybrid, with lesser pollutants and lower electricity bills too!

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on April 29, 2011