• Wet recyclable washbasins come in many bold shades

  • wet-recyclable-washbasin-fusion-1.jpg
    This new range of washbasin from Wet, are a new breed of recyclable washbasins that are 100% recyclable, indestructible, non-toxic, child-friendly and are very easy-to-maintain. These new wash basins come in a range of hot hues, including Ice White, Black, Apple, Lila, Fuchsia, Lemon, Orange and Red, and also in the Gold, Zebra and Cosmo motifs, which can be combined in 64 different ways to form a funky fusion of color in your bathroom. Mix and match these cool accessories for an eclectic look, or choose matching styles for a clean, contemporary look.

    The Wet washbasins are available with illuminated bases, boasting halogen lighting set on dimmers for a glow that’s soft, bright, or any custom combination. Head to the site to get a better idea.
    Via [trendir]

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on October 6, 2009