• Coca Cola and Will I Am Upcycle Garbage Into Accessories

  • Will I Am and Coca Cola have teamed up on an upcycle initiative to educate consumers about waste and recycling. Their new brand ‘ekocycle’, features a funky range of clothing, headphones and smartphone cases made almost entirely from waste plastic and aluminum. Their ‘beats by dre’ headphones are a fusion of quality sound, technology and PET plastics – although they only contain a disappointing 31% of upcycled materials – more of a token gesture than significant step towards serious upcycling.

    Levi’s development of the limited edition ‘501 waist-less jean’ is more interesting. These jeans contain an average of eight different recycled plastic bottles per pair. Why make them limited edition, though? Let’s keep this theme rolling!


    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on January 29, 2013