• Cityscape sculptures made from recycled cardboard and metal by Franco Recchia

  • City 1.jpgDesigner and artist, Franco Recchia has found a novel way to put to use scrap cardboard and metal. Displayed at the Agora Gallery in New York City are little cities built by him, using these recycled materials. Rich in detail, these little sculptures are complete little cities with every one of those towering structures you see around you in your urban area. The Cityscape sculpture made of recycled cardboard also features a little clock-tower, while the one made of recycled computer chips reminds us of one of those futuristic cities we usually come across in Hollywood flicks.

    With a mix of imagination, creativity and a sense of recycling, Franco Recchia came up with these beautiful sculptures that make us realize just how beautiful a bunch of junk can actually look!

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: on December 6, 2010