• TrickleStar products are cost-efficient and eco-friendly

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    TrickleStar is a company that helps you save money, electricity and earth by intelligently shutting down the standby power that TV accessories or PC peripherals consume when they are turned off. The TV TrickleSaver and PC TrickleSaver feature an inbuilt current sensing circuitry that senses when a TV is on or off. It is also easy to install and provides simple automation to reduce wasteful standby energy consumption. The PC TrickleSaver is compatible for both PC and Mac. Standby power has been estimated as contributing as much as 12% of consumer’s electricity bills and so this one is a good alternative. Prices are $34.94 for the TV and $24.94 for the PC. We must however thank Jennifer Baybrook for this bit of info.

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on July 13, 2009