• The Schattengewächs, potted flowers created by shedding light

  • schattengewachs_lamp.jpg
    You might have come across a grow-it-yourself plant kit before. Here’s one with a twist. Instead of rewarding you with a little potted plant complete with a flower, it gives you instead your green buddies, with a flower created by shedding light. Designer Maximilian Winkel came up with the Schattengewächs that starts off as a little plant, and then using light, shapes out some pretty sweet flowers, trees and insects too! The photosensor allows this one to “grow’ automatically, while the pot is made of clay with the inner bits made of biological plastic. What we couldn’t figure out is why something with such a green shade needed those four coin batteries! Probably Winkel could find a better power source for this one!


    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on December 20, 2010