• The Green Your Campus software educates students towards the greener good

  • Green-Your-Campus-software-1.jpg
    Designer Julien Bergignat recently came up with software called “Green Your Campus” to create a virtual image of recycling on campus. The software allows students to create avatars of them, somewhat like a virtual life, and perform ecological movements. This helps them earn points while their performance is measured such as consuming energy through the computer, number of printing done by the student and the time spent on the site. And this is then brought into tangible interpretation using the Stella concept with a fiber optic pixelglass made frame that can be commonly used in all campuses to specify each student as a tangible performance measuring board. The board glows red and blue with LED lights too show just how well the students perform.

    Interesting ways to have a campus go green and educate students on recycling.

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on January 4, 2011