• Mathieu Azema’s City Compost Bin encourages proper disposal of organic waste

  • City-Compost-Bin-1.jpg
    Composting sure is a great way to get rid of trash, though not a lot of us fancy having a hot box in our backyard with last week’s dump slowly degrading inside. The very thought makes us cringe our noses. Also, most of us are just content with the garbage-truck picking up our trash from the street corner every morning. Designer Mathieu Azema plans to change the way composting is taken in, and designed the City Compost Bin, an aesthetically pleasing way to composting. This bin works on a public basis, and isn’t something you could have in your back yard. Just like a trash can, all you need to do is dump the organic waste in there. The attendant then rotates the bin according to the level of decomposition required and voila! Out pops some rich nutrient soil.

    The compost produced by these bins sure as hell beats all those chemically drunk fertilizers that you’ve been picking off market shelves.

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on April 6, 2011