• Great California Garage Sale to help economy – The Terminator Style

  • Great_California_Garage_Sale.jpg
    He donned the silver screens with great hits like Commando, Predator and you cannot forget the Terminator. Yup Arnold Schwarzenegger! I am a huge fan of him! And he is the Governor of California. California has a budget of $85 billion dollars but it is now deficit by $26 billion. He saves the planet from aliens and machines in his movies and now he is on to saving the state. He has put around 6000 items on sale in eBay and Craiglist websites with items ranging from cars to computers to binoculars for auction. California began selling unneeded or unclaimed items online last week and is holding a two-day auction of 6,000 more on Friday and Saturday. To entice buyers, the governor has autographed the sun visors of several of the vehicles up for sale in order to raise their value. This is a win-win for the state and for shoppers. He said that he will be elimination waste and providing great deals for the tough economy. How is he eliminating waste by the way?


    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on September 1, 2009