• Future Flower – The wind powered metallic glowing flower

  • Future_metallic_Flower.jpg
    This may not be the ideal gift for your loved one on Valentines Day, taken that its devoid of color and flowery scents. This “flower” can do things pretty red roses from your local florists can’t. It glows with light every time the wind blows right. Located on the banks of the River Mersey in Widnes, Cheshire, UK, and christened as the Tonkin Liuʼs Future Flower, this structure has a frame of an icosi-dodecahedron to which 120 perforate galvanized mild steel petals are attached. The central stalk lacks thorns. It sports 60 low voltage LEDs though, that are directed to different clusters of petals.

    The Halton Borough Council pulled the veil off this 14 meter high metallic flower that uses three turbines fitted on its stem to produce electricity at wind speeds of 5 mph or more to lighten up the LEDs. 4.5 meters in diameter, the Future Flower is a piece of art wrapped with green sustainable innovation.

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on April 7, 2010