• EBay’s boxing away to eco-consciousness and environment-friendliness

  • ebay-box_beauty_1.jpg
    The best place on earth to get something old that’s as good as new, for money’s worth. eBay. Now we’ve probably used the website before and brought home a load of stuff from there. Well, the whole world logs in there from time to time and makes purchases. And so, they need a hell lot of packaging to deliver their products, right? That’s exactly why they’ve decided to turn their packaging eco-friendly, in the form of a shipping container that can easily be recycled. Basically, the stuff you order arrives in a box, that’s made out of 100% FSC-certified material, features water-based inks and requires minimal tape to close, which is then sent back to the company for recycling. eBay believe that using a single box for up to five deliveries saves up to 4,000 trees, 2.4 million gallons of water and energy to power up around 49 homes for a year. Amazing isn’t it? We think so too. Good going eBay!

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on September 3, 2010