• Barcelona’s Balance Tower water reservoir is covered by a solar powered media skin

  • balance_tower.jpg
    Water reservoirs have never looked better before. When was the last time you cast a water reservoir a second while passing by? Well, this one, unlike its peers and ancestors, is sure to grab a lot more attention. And that’s simply because of the beautiful skin it flaunts. Known as the Balance Tower, this reservoir in Barcelona is part of a pumping station built by ATLL, a Spanish water supplier. It conceals a water reservoir inside it. The Balance Tower boasts a media skin, by ag4, with moving images. The structure uses a concrete core spread across 768m2 covered in a patchwork of metal and photovoltaics. LEDs in the joints of the skin emphasize the structure. The 18,000 LEDs light up at night, powered by the photovoltaics that soak in the sun during the day, to display images and text with a resolution of 3650 pixels. The power generated is fed into the grid during the day, and grid power is used to light up the Balance Tower at night. An eye-catching water storage tower, this one sure is a whole lot different.
    Roll over for the video……


    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on May 27, 2010