• An umbrella stand that grows grass

  • umbrella-stand-1.jpg
    We all know what an umbrella-stand is. Here’s a one-of-a-kind umbrella stand we noticed that just isn’t boring and ignorable like the conventional ones we have at home today. This one grows grass! Ah! No, we aren’t talking about “The Grass”. What we meant was, this umbrella stand grows the type of grass you have sprouting up in your backyard. Designed by Junjie Zhang, the stand is a flat one, not one of those old pot like one’s we’ve come across. The flat stand comes with some pre-sown seeds and a mesh. All you need to do is lean a wet umbrella on it and let the water trickle below. And Poof! You got yourself a patch of green at home!

    Oh, and you can keep those soaking wet sneakers and boots of yours on it too. So long as the water drips, the grass grows. Also, make sure your dog doesn’t go anywhere near it. He might just think of dripping water too!

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on November 4, 2010