• Weather forecasting system that predicts solar energy generation

  • Solar-Energy-Production-2.jpg
    The sun plays a game of hide and seek at times we least expect. This does create a problem for those who rely on the sun to power up. Here’s a system that can predict the sun’s behavior for the advantage of solar power generation. The system monitors how clouds, cold, heat and airborne dust effects solar power generation. Home-based users of solar power always have the alternative of switching to the grid incase the sun acts moody, whereas larger installations at a utility scale generation does face a drawback. Created by Sandia National Laborites, the system helps prepare for weather changes with all that information.

    The system is being currently tested at the 1.2-megawatt La Ola Solar Farm on the Hawaiian island of Lana’i. This sure will help any power shortages caused due to weather changes in the future.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on October 1, 2010