• Sunny Flower Solar Power

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    Charging handheld devices with 100% solar power is rapidly becoming reality. This solar charger takes its inspiration from Mother Nature and the leaf arrangement used by flowers to soak up sunlight. The foldable panels make the versatile charger compact to transport, yet able to absorb maximum energy when fully opened. The charger can be spread out in a window, or with adhesive panels even stick to the glass. When not in use the petals close and you can plug in your gadget for easy recharging.

    Product designers are always on the lookout for trends. Another concept, inspired by the first, is the iPetals charger – designed specifically for use with the Apple iPhone. The charger also folds open to capture optimum sunlight, but when collapsed it forms a neat docking stand for the iPhone to sit in. With new solar powered cases and portable chargers on the market all the time, competition is driving innovation. The next generation of solar chargers promise to be even more affordable and efficient, not to mention stylish. You’ll never be stuck without a wall socket again.
    Written in association with WasteCare Waste Management
    [Sunny Flower Charger And iPetals Charger]

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on January 19, 2010