• Solar powered Ecoball portable speakers work great for the outdoors

  • Ecoball.jpgAt first, we thought this to be a basketball. A closer look made us realize, it hardly is one. No doubt it misses all those lines and engravings on it. It also is a lot smaller than a usual basketball. Besides that, this is a set of speakers shaped like a ball! Known as the Ecoball, this set of portable speakers splits up into two, revealing speakers and controls. Also, the strap used on this one is a lot more than just a handle to make mobility easier. It charges up the Ecoball with solar power! The strap is a solar panel in disguise that helps soak in the sun’s heat and charge up this set of portable speakers. Designed by Pedro Gomes, the Ecoball is perfect for a trip outdoors, where the sun shines just bright enough to charge up your speakers and blast out your favorite tunes!

    So, hook on that mp3 player of yours and lose yourself to the music with the solar powered Ecoball!

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: on September 22, 2010