• Solar powered blood-pressure testing devices for off-grid areas

  • BloodPressure.jpgNow there are places on this globe that are so far fetched and distant from any urban civilization, that electricity isn’t all too common as it is to us. These off-grid places do have a hard time catching up with a lot of facilities we enjoy today, including medical aid. A few researchers with some really great intentions in their hearts have designed a blood pressure measuring device, powered by solar energy. This one needs no electrical outlets to plug in and is juiced up solely by the sun. with a device like this, doctors in areas far away can now keep tabs on cardio-vascular diseases amongst people.

    Currently being tested in Uganda and Zambia in Africa, this one’s not too expensive either and comes for an easily accessible price of just $32. Indeed an innovative way to keep health issues in check using green energy, this device will for sure make the work of doctors in off-grid areas a lot easier.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: on November 10, 2010