• Powered by the sun, the flashlight that splits open into a lamp

  • Transforming-Flashlight-1.jpg
    Now here’s an innovative one, and when we say innovative, we mean in design, usability and a ground-breaking concept. Something never thought of before, designer Jia Dai came up with a flashlight that turns into a lamp. Now we’ve all been accustomed to those heavy flashlights we’ve been using for ages, till the dawn of the LED generation. Flashlights then turned simmer and sleeker. Now the flashlight gets a whole new concept, splits open to turn into a lamp. Well, that’s certainly not all. This one’s a lot greener too. Unlike its peers that require regular battery changes, this MIA Electric Flashlight Lamp uses the power of the sun to shed some light. The solar cells soak in the sun and power up, regardless if you use it just as a flashlight, or a lamp.

    So there go those troublesome times of trying to read something while out camping. Simply split this flashlight open and “poof!” you have yourself a lamp!

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on August 12, 2010