• NYC uses upgraded water meter system to help customer track water usage

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    Adding technology, a whole load of it that too, to conservation programs can sure help out a lot. Well, when it comes to water conservation the Big Apple has invested an astounding $252 million for a citywide upgrade of the water-meter system. The recent heat wave has left tongues around parched and craving for water, and a shortage of the life giving liquid could mean disaster. So, New York City’s Bronx residents can now keep a tab on just how much water they use, and also track their bills. Wireless meters have been installed, and using them provides more accurate readings.

    The system won’t hand out goodies though, for those customers who use their water at certain times. What it will install is a civic sense, helping out users understand just how much water they use and mostly waste.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on July 14, 2010