• Harvard developing device to charge mobile phones using soil microbes

  • Soil-Microbes-Charge-Mobile-Phones-1.jpg
    We’ve come across a load of products and initiatives being put into place in order to aide developing countries surface and grow stronger economies, including disposable toilets and eco-friendly netbooks. Now, a team of researchers from Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences are busy developing a mobile phone that charges up using microbes from the soil. Using a device called the microbial fuel cell-based charger, phone sin the near future will charge up with soil! For now, the technology is being tested with simple LEDs lights and has proved satisfying.

    So hopefully in future, charging stations set up in the middle of nowhere with the sun and the soil to power up will help juice our mobile phones, and electric vehicles probably!

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on May 13, 2011