• Football for visually impaired powered by solar power emits sounds when kicked

  • solar-powered-football.jpg
    We’ve seen solar power used for charging homes, vehicles, ships, mobile phones and loads of other stuff before. The sun is being squeezed and juiced like never before today, and a future increase of solar powered applications is obvious. Well, here’s one solar powered application which sure seems weird and extraordinary, the world’s first solar powered football. Now why would you need to power up or fill up a football with anything but air? If that’s what you’ve been wondering, get a hold of this. This football wasn’t designed for the normal football playing folks. It’s made to help the visually impaired play their favorite sport, football.

    The ball was designed and developed by Taiwan based Greendix, integrating solar panels, and is being sold by Sonelis Technologies in the North and South America. The ball has a motion sensor device and emits sounds every time kicked. The black pentagonal-shaped leather patches have been replaced by solar panels that power up these audio and motion sensor devices inside. A solar powered game of football for the visually impaired!

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on June 23, 2010