• EarthTronics’ Honeywell Wind Turbine to reduce home energy bills by 18%

  • EarthTronics_honeywell_wind_turbine.jpg
    EarthTronics has unveiled the Honeywell Wind Turbine, an innovative wind energy system for home and business owners that has a higher performance output and lower installed cost per kilowatt than any other unit on the market. It will also help reduce home bills by 18 per cent. The turbine will generate energy from its gearless Blade Tip Power System that eliminates mechanical resistance and drag. This technology allows the turbine to generate power in wind speeds as low as 2 miles per hour and as high 45 miles per hour, without the typical noise associated with wind turbines. The Blade Tip Power System also provides greater efficiency at reduced cost.

    The Honeywell Wind Turbine will be available in fall this year and will be launched by partner Ace Hardware. It will cost about $4,500.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on June 10, 2009