• UK’s first Best Buy to have GreenTech section dedicated to green technology

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    Electronics are best found in Best Buy, America’s electronic store chain. Well, Best Buy is setting up in the UK too and will offer a whole range of green technology. The Best Buy stores in UK will have GreenTech areas showcasing everything that’s green and uses electricity, including electric vehicles.

    The first store will be situated in Thurrock, Essex and will open up next Friday. Planning an expensive electric car? Step inside UK’s first Best Buy with the £86,950 Tesla Roadster on display! That’s not all. The store also offers less expensive electric vehicles too. You can also grab solar chargers for your electric gadgets, energy monitors, energy saving plugs and gadgets and a whole lot of other cool stuff from the stores GreenTech section. Hopefully stores like these open up around the world making green technology easily accessible and buyable.

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on April 26, 2010