• Shutting of computers helps Ford save $1.2 million

  • Ford-Glass-House-1.jpg
    Ford has considered blacking out their computer screens when not in use. Shutting down computers will help Ford save up on $1.2 million reducing its carbon footprint by around 16,000 to 25,000 metric tons every year. Using a program called PC Power Management laptops and desktops can be shut off centrally during the night. It also enables computers connected to the Ford Intranet receive software deliveries during power downs.

    Ford isn’t the first company to take steps like these. AT&T and Verizon have done this before and have saved up on bucks and energy too. Hopefully companies all around the globe look up to Ford’s power management effort and follow suit. A whole load of energy and billions of dollars will be saved if steps like these are taken.

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on March 24, 2010