Over 20 billionaires of the world unite to invest in clean energy
Hasn’t the world always waited for a headline like this? In this day and age where renewable energy is either underutilized or too expensive to generate, we turn to the rich and powerful to fund a population that gives back to the planet. Bill Gates has fronted a coalition with 20 billionaires from across the world to invest more in the research of clean energy. The Breakthrough Energy Coalition will include venture capitalists such as Vinod Khosla, hedge fund manager Tom Steyer, Indian industrialist Mukesh Ambani, Jack Ma of Alibaba and even Mark Zuckerberg.
The coalition will empower new companies or smaller manufacturing and research houses that are tirelessly working on creating clean energy solutions. They target to reach out to about 100 companies. The website of the group states, “the world needs widely available energy that is reliable, affordable, and does not produce carbon. The only way to accomplish that goal is by developing new tools to power the world.” Cheers to them!
[ Via : Forbes ]