• Now refill dead battery using solar cells and wind turbines

  • refill_dead_battery.jpg
    We have heard a lot about the electric cars of the future. Even though there still do exist many electric cars, yet they haven’t yet been as popular in use. But the future seems very bright for these electric cars that use zero fuels. But what if the battery of your car gets over mid-way? Instead of pulling to a recharging station and spending hours there, Fraunhofer Institute in Germany ahs devised a new technology by which the battery can be refilled with an electrolytic liquid. By using a redox flow battery that uses a process to generate electricity, they refill the battery to make it as efficient as a lithium ion battery. All this will take only a few minutes. So now, instead of relying on the transportation of tankers of gasoline, the recharge stations can now merely recharge the fluid there and then using solar cells or wind turbine.

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on November 11, 2009