• Graphene a more efficient material than carbon nanotubes

  • graphene.jpg
    This is graphene – a sheet of graphite the thickness of just one atom that can be processed like silicon to make electronic devices, which makes it easier to manipulate than the currently used material carbon nanotubes. Graphene based electronics reduces a lot of the waste normally seen while making electronics. Researchers say that the electrons in graphene are more than 100 times more mobile than in silicon even at room temperature, reducing the need for energy-sucking temperature controls. The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency is now reportedly starting to invest heavily in graphene-based electronics through its Microsystems Technology Office, which is developing graphene-based transistors.

    Graphene was discovered in 2004 by researchers at the University of Manchester and Chernogolovka, Russia and can be found in flakes of graphite, a layered compound familiar to anyone who has used a pencil. In powder form graphite is a lubricant and can also be used to make steel, batteries, and brake linings.

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on June 27, 2009