• Florida Avenue Baptist Church hooks on to solar energy for renewable juice

  • Florida-Avenue-Baptist-Church-1.jpg
    Spirituality requires a touch of eco-friendliness too. A Baptist congregation in Washington thinks prays to be best answered when powered by solar energy. The Florida Avenue Baptist Church recently hooked on a bunch of solar panels on the roof of the church to soak in the sun’s and power up using solar energy. The 10-kilowatt uses 44 solar panels arranged on the church’s flat roof put into place by Washington-based Volt Energy. That’s not all. Pastor Earl Trent Jr. also went ahead to state that the church has set up its own Green Ministry to help encourage and educate the people at large in regards to renewable energy, energy efficiency, electric vehicles and sustainable agriculture.

    Three cheers and a hallelujah for this green initiative by the Florida Avenue Baptist Church!

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on May 10, 2011