• Copenhagen encourages cyclists with free Biomega bike

  • copenhagen-cyclist-counter-01.jpg
    Copenhagen in Denmark is a very green city. Evident so, in its new introduction of the cyclist counter or the cykelbarometer in front of city hall. It counts the number of cyclists that pass by on any given day. There are two things in the counter – total number today and total number this year so far. The way they are promoting this is by giving a Biomega bike free to the 500,000th passerby. The cool thing about this is that on an average there are about 12,000 cyclists that pass by on a week day. This also has an air pump to inflate the bike’s tires.

    This is a very good concept and I think more people should take this up. Its good exercise and is also a great way to keep a watch on the carbon footprints.

    Posted in Topics:Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on June 18, 2009