• Stalled Boston Project back in business with Bio-Fuel Eco pods

  • Filenes-Stalled-Project-2.jpg
    The construction was stopped way back in November 2008 of the Filene development that was being carried out in downtown Boston. The building barely has a shell. The bones of the building are already there but sub street level there is a giant hole that leaves a gouge in the city’s plan. But Howeler and Yoon Architecture and Squared Design have not lost hope yet and they have teamed up to design a vertical tower of prefabricated eco-pods filled with bio-fuel producing algae for the space. This new tower would become the new center for testing new algae species and different growing methods.

    Robotic arms have been attached to the body of the building that will move the pods and optimize the growing conditions. The voids that are created when the pods are reconfigured leaves behind space for public parks and botanical gardens. The robotic arms are powered by the bio-fuels that are created in the building.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on September 22, 2009