• Solar powered Egg House, tiny and mobile, by Dai Haifei

  • Egg House.jpgNow we’re pretty used to those sky-scraping buildings that we have in our cities today. We as human beings have adapted to living in smaller pigeon-hole type homes these days. Well, small isn’t necessarily bad, and that’s what student of Hunan City University Dai Haifei thought while building this little Egg House. In cities like China from where Dai hails, space scrunches are now as common as the dust in the air. So, he built this little solar powered home, for just $960. With a water tank, a small bed and a lamp powered by solar energy soaked in by the panel on the top, the Egg House is an innovative little way to life.

    That’s not all. Dai lived in this house on the streets for a good few months, until the media finally spotted him and he was forced to leave it.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: on December 11, 2010