• Prince Charles plans for eco-friendly shanty town in India

  • 1.jpgPrince Charles, the beloved Prince of Wales sure loved the movie Slumdog Millionaire, so much that he was inspired to build a similar shanty town, a lot cleaner though, for the homeless in India. The town will be fully equipped with schools, shops, and about 3,000 homes in an area large enough to cover 14 football pitches. To be build on a 25 acre land on the outskirts of Calcutta or Bangalore, these homes will be eco-friendly. Fascinated by the Dharavi slum’s network of streets, shops, factories and homes, the Prince will make sure these homes have proper sanitation, waste disposal and everything to make it perfectly hygienic and livable. Complete with rainwater collections systems and water recycling, the slum will be a little village in itself.

    We sure love the Prince’s idea too and just hope this eco-friendly project doesn’t end up in the hands of money hogging corporatism.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: on January 11, 2011